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teaser- One more night

This August!

This hot steamy romance is finally dropping! Get lost with this lovely story and fall in love over again.

How far can an abandoned man go to prove that his love deserve a second chance?

Here is a sneak peak 😍😍

She squeezed her eyes shut, sob excaped her throat “You want a mother for your children- someone who would always be there when you need her” she sniffled “I am not that woman Kay” tears ran down her cheek

“Who I want is you Grace” he said throught clung teeth “I don’t want some brainless woman who would answer yes to everything I say…I want you! With this baby” his face softened as his gaze shifted to her stomach “you can have your career, just come home when you are supposed to” his voice mellowed “If there is anything that confirms we are supposed to come back together, it is ths pregnancy, I want you here, with me Grace”

“that is the problem, I can not come home to you all the time…I will not always be here”

“Bullshit!” he releases her face and turned his back on her “If you can not see that all I have ever done is love you and prove to you that you are everything to me..." He threw his hand up in frustration "Grace you belong here! with me…and for Christ sake you can always be here if you chose to!” 

“I don’t want to hurt you!” they would go throught this again- it would start with him accepting her and all the badgage, then he would complain, they would fight…and separate again, she would leave him worse than she met him. 

He turned, covered the distance between them in two long strides, grabbed her waist “You are hurting me already” he pulled her to his chest. she gasped and he covered her lips with his. 

Raw. Raging. rough, punishing. She was out of breath by the time he releases her

“After many years- you still burn each time I touch you, my little woman. You need me as much as I need you, you are only too stubborn to admit it.”

She flushed. He was right- she desperately wanted this man “What we feel for each other is not enough to build a perfect home Kay” she whispered

“I don’t need a perfect home Grace; I just need a home filled with love. And” he stared hard at her "you are having my baby Grace…it is time you asked yourself ‘What do you really want?’ what does Passion- Love mean to you? What do I mean to you?”

He gave her an intensed stare “I am tired Grace” He turned and walk upstairs


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